
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

sheryl crow engaged to some guy...

...apparently, she has finally come to the realization that she cannot have me and is getting on with her life...good for her. i wish her and what's-his-name the best...

in other news, i haven't posted about the latest round of drug charges against lance armstrong because i really don't know what to think. on one hand the charges and evidence are disturbing, far more disturbing than other circumstantial evidence cited; on the other hand, the nature of the investigation and the way the charges were made are disturbing, leading credence to lance's claim of a witch hunt. the bottom line: innocent to be proven guilty and the current evidence is not proof, in my mind.

that being said, lance thinking out loud about a comeback attempt for number 8, brings a grin to my face (and apparently his too - dig the smirk on the photo - taken, i'm sure out of context) - regardless if he is serious or merely jerking their chains....to paraphrase mary jane, in spiderman, go get 'em tiger....

here is the giant fungus in my neighbor's yard.

i've been listening to sonny rollins' without a song (the 9/11 concert) for the past few days. the term "legend" and "icon" is overused to the point of being meaningless...but rollins is a legend - one of the few jazz legends left - wayne shorter and ornette coleman come to mind - i am sure there are others, i can't think of, but not too many - couple more tops...

anyhow, rollins is the stuff of jazz iconography - taking time off earlier in his career, to play solo on a bridge in ny....etc...

he lived a few blocks away from the world trade centers and he was evacuated as his building lost power. he played this concert in boston a few days later, a village voice article states....

Rollins, who lives in Woodstock but was in his penthouse pied- six blocks away from the towers when the planes hit, and who had to be guided downstairs by rescue workers the following day, after the building lost power, wasn't making any promises. "Maybe music can help," he says at one point. "I don't know. But we have to try something."

rollins is an improviser without equal - he transcends the tunes, the band etc... i recall seeing him in oberlin playing chorus after chorus of stevie wonder's "isn't she lovely" and he looked as though he was transported - and he took the audience with him. he's in fine form in the 9/11 concert recording - perhaps not up to his 50's and 60's classics - but he rose to the occasion...

lastly, local girl gallery is having an upcoming benefit for breast cancer where local artists are encouraged to decorate bras that will be auctioned. while this is out of my area of expertise (on several levels...) i was thinking a great idea would be a bush/cheney bra - one on each cup...


At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love fungi...those pictures are beautiful, man!

At 10:38 PM, Blogger bginley said...

maybe a donkey & and elephant on that bra ?

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Mike said...

well, you are right. boobs in politics is a bipartisan phenomenom. my own bias though is to point a finger at the current regime...

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Karen Zipdrive said...

Well Bush and Cheney are two notorious boobs...so I approve the idea!


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