
Friday, September 02, 2005

blog tagged...

i 've been blogtagged by gina. i am to post 5 random pieces of info about myself.

  1. i can juggle. i can juggle 2 balls with one hand (no snickering) and 3 balls with 2 hands. i never learned to do 4 balls - which is like doing 2 balls in each hand then periodically crossing over. i learned in high school - i read a book by this aging hippie juggler that said things like - let the balls move themselves - or something like that...

  2. i am 2 out of 7 for voting for the winning presedential candidate. without too much thought you can figure out my complete voting record.

  3. i was hospitalized for about a week when i was in the third grade because i was dizzy. (ok, i'll wait for the giggles to stop) after an extensive battery of tests, with no conclusions, it was later determined that it was because i was prescribed bifocals...i have very bad eyes, and the eye doctore thought that would be the way to go

  4. the first rock concert i attended was jethro tull at the richfield coliseum. i also saw the who there, a few days after the cinci tragedy. my complete concert history would make a nice post

  5. i threw up at the washington monument. not ON it - thank goodness...but in the parking lot. when i was a senior in high school, i went to washington with the science club (see, and you think all my references to geekiness is just self deprecating humor). i caught a bug, and puked a lot. in many ways, the trip was a debacle. this trip did spark my love of art, though, as on another day, i spent a lot of time in the national gallery of art, sitting on benches looking at paintings - hey, not to strenuous for a guy with the flu. i grew to appreciate them

ok, now i am tagging...
kristin, jen, chari, angie and cindy
list 5 random bits of info...


At 3:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it fair to tag your wife?


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Mike said...

i don't care!

besides, though we've been married since the truman administration, it is still possible to discover new things...
that's the fun part

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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