all richard thompson; all the time...
well you can thank/blame richard thompson for my returning to blogging with a vengeance - first time i've been in the mood to *say* something publicly - as opposed to showing pics...
anyhow, the guardian gave the new record 5 stars...
and i'll tell you what - the first 3 people that post a non-spam comment to this post before midnight tonight (12:AM EDT 6/21) - i will send an itunes gift certificate to purchase the record - only string attached - must use it to get thompson's sweet warrior - yes, i am that desperate for comments... well, not only that - as many folks that are fans of semi-obscure music - the love for it burns inside - so much you have to share it....
*offer expired! sorry!*
Love to hear the music, but can't buy at iTunes music store :(
is there an online store you can purchase from/download - amazon?
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