
Sunday, January 08, 2006

grizzly man...

i also caught the movie grizzly man this weekend. my brother got me it as a christmas gift. great documentary about timothy treadwell by werner herzog - a man who lived with the grizzlies in alaska - who was, along with his girlfriend, ultimately killed by them. i think treadwell had his heart in the right place, but, was very troubled and was extremely misguided. i think his own troubles caused him to project on the grizzlies and on the wild that which simply was not real - while this gave him a refuge from the pain of the "normal" world, which we all feel - perhaps him deeper than most - it lead to his death and the death of his girl friend...

great music by richard thompson


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Karen Zipdrive said...

I saw the movie and thought the guy was a total nutjob.
But that was no doubt influenced by my neurotic fear of bears, which I doubt we even have in Texas.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Mike said...

the first scene had me convinced he was a nutter...
still a fascinating movie...
love his rant towards the end...
great scenery, great music...


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